Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Faith in the almighty

Every day seems to be a see saw or a sinosoidal wave in every one's life. In the morning things come as huge issues but by the day ends we have a solution. I find it funny because this means we keep our faith always strong and unwavering. This also means that never give up on the trust we have on the almighty.

If the almighty has brought us so far in our lives will HE drop us midway. It is rather he will carry us. I do remember the "Missing footsteps" story.

Wonder how people who are atheists react to these scenarios? Are they unfazzled by troubles or they are so confident of the system? Need to question this.

Maybe reading philosophical books would make us really strong.

Just a thought!!


  1. I have 2 theists & one agnostic in my household. i am somewhere in between. How each one deals with testing situations is interesting to watch. Agnostic seems to be dealing with situations in a calm, practical way as compared to flustered way others deal with situations. At the end of the day, solutions are found.

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  3. To each one their own and there is always room to accomodate different ideas and beliefs:-)
